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The SPLC Finances Terrorists

Why are groups that operate and fund terror allowed to operate in the US?DDJ, MisandryaToday.

Why are groups that operate and fund terror allowed to operate in the US?


With the recent news of Milo Yiannopoulos, Sargon of Akkad, and James Allsup getting taken off Patreon.  Prior to this Alex Jones, Lauren Southern, and Tommy Sotomayor were removed from either/or/and PayPal, Patreon, Visa, MasterCard, and other payment processors.  They have gotten removed because of protests from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

If we don’t put down our differences, none of us are going to have a platform.

Federal authorities have been warning local authorities since 2016 that Leftist extremist, ANTIFA, have been so dangerous that The Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as Domestic Terrorist Violence.

In the video Overthrowing Democracy By Any Means Necessary, I talk about the United for Equality & Affirmative Action Legal Defense Fund.  This group is an affiliate of an ANTIFA organization and PayPal is facilitating their payments. 
Take a look at the contributors to this group is the Kellogg Foundation, The Ford Foundation and The Southern Poverty Law Center.

This makes complete sense. Anyone who speaks about against the terrorist origination ANTIFA, gets flagged by YouTube because the SPLC is a trusted flagger for YouTube. Let’s be very clear on what the SPLC is, they are a major funder of terror.

Here is my question.  Why is Sargon of Akkad, who is not a terrorist or a funder of terror taken off of Patreon but the United for Equality & Affirmative Action Legal Defense Fund, the defense fund for literal terrorist are on Patreon. The UEAA literally brags about how they have given money $21,000 to international terror in nine different countries.

The SPLC has a hate map which according to Mark Potok has nothing to do with criminality, or violence; it is strictly ideological. Potok is on video admitting this and saying their aim in life, of the SPLC, is to destroy these groups we put on the hate map.

The problem is that the SPLC’s hate map is not based on fact, it is based on ideological disagreement. Meaning, if you are conservative, we are going to destroy anyone we disagree with. The issue here is that the SPLC is a huge contributor to ANTIFA, which literally tries to murder members of organizations on the SPLC hate map. That is food for thought.

Why is PayPal allowing suppers of terror to donate to all of these groups.

Why is YouTube, PayPal, Patreon, Visa, and MasterCard working with a known financier of terror like the SPLC.

Here is another question.

Why are groups that operate and fund terror allowed to operate in the US?

Overthrowing Democracy By Any Means Necessary
Outrage Mob Finally Gets Held Accountable: Gavin McInnes Lawsuit


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