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Outrage Mob Finally Gets Held Accountable: Gavin McInnes Lawsuit

It is purposely deceitfully and intended to damage McInnes’ reputation.DDJ, MisandryaToday.

It is purposely deceitfully and intended to damage McInnes’ reputation.

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After my video of The SPLC Finances Terrorists, Gavin McInnes files against the SPLC.  Outrages mobs can’t handle verifiable facts and their only tool against this is to double down. When none of that works, they reframe their opponent as the aggressor.

The National Coalition for Men’s John Davis give an amazingly detailed post how the SPLC uses propaganda to sell its lies.

Organizations like the SPLC are a primary mouthpiece of misandry.  He points to a John Stossel Video that exposes the SPLC.

The SPLC is a hate group that promotes hatred against certain demographics based on their gender, race, and sexual orientation. They are a clearinghouse for false information, their hate speech, and the hate they impose on vulnerable demographics.

Look at the SPLC’s tactics on how they label men and fathers as “mysoginists.” 

Look how they spread misinformation by discounting verifiable facts based on countless studies that women commit more domestic violence, are on par with sexual violence (force to penetrate), use false accusations of rape (60%) to gain upper hands in divorces. The reality is that in 80% of contested divorces have a false allegation.

This is a clastic tactic of propagandists, called defining the enemy and justifying hatred of them.

 The SPLC lies in order to push its hatred of men and use endless reputation of that lie to convince everyone that lie.

70% Of Domestic Violence Is Initiated By Women
Women Falsely Accuse Men In Almost 80% Of Child Custody Cases
Women Sexually Assault Men and Boys More Than Men
False Rape Allegations. Eugene J. Kanin PhD

Gavin McInnes have been targeted by a self-enforces of orthodoxy the SPLC. Most statements from the SPLC are counter-factual. These hate designations are treated as fact by other organizations and law enforcement. One result of this get people origination the SPLC does not like is to have them de-platformed and defunded by financial institutions.  

The SLPC tortious interface with business relationships his contractual relationships, and subjects him to employment discrimination based on the SLPC’s designation of hate.  It is purposely deceitfully and intended to damage McInnes’ reputation and potential violence.

This lawsuit is a template to anyone who is defamed!

The lawsuit goes into the Proud Boys bylaws that explicitly go into how anyone is a a white supremacist or any other hate group will not be allowed into the group and expelled if they are.  The suit continues to show examples of how payment processors banned them from receiving donations and fundraising.

Next the lawsuit names, Amazon, Twitter, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Now they can conduct discovery on all of these organizations between them and the SPLC. There is nothing anyone can do to stop.  Basically, the suit is pleading that the SPLC is conspiring with big tech to shut McInnes and they are going to a conservative supreme court.

The SPLC Finances Terrorists
Outrage Mob Finally Gets Held Accountable: The Glen Allen Lawsuit

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