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Women Over 45 Account for 41% of Antidepressant Users

Women Over 45 Account for 41% of Antidepressant Users
People that fall into the happiness trap always live a life of “me” and not “we.” Juan Galt, Senior Editor MisandryToday

People that fall into the happiness trap always live a life of “me” and not “we.”

people of the feminist lie

Antidepressant-Associated Sexual Dysfunction: Impact, Effects, and Treatment

Divorce rape culture is the norm in the west, especially in the US. The evidence is all around you, people simply choose not to see it or they are making money off it. The hard truth is that 90% of divorces are initiated by women and only 6.6% of modern marriages will last 10 years. This is a direct result of feminism, hypergamy and falling into the happiness trap of “I can do better, I deserve better.”

Translation, I can do better than my man, so I’m going to destroy my children and loot my man because “I am entitled and he deserves it.” I don’t have a character disorder of never taking ownership, everything is always someone else’s fault but my own.

This western narcissistic culture, encourages women to pull the pin on solid relationships that protect these very women. The ultimate result of the happiness trap (ACT acceptance commitment therapy) is that the very happiness they are chasing is the very thing that will allude and destroy them.

Consequently, the majority of women over 40 are in a spinster bubble of single and divorce women. These women have never had grounded expectations of themselves or life. They are the very definition of toxic feminity. These women think they are better than their mates, while they constantly denigrate and belittle their husbands. All while they look over their shoulder looking for the bigger better deal that “they deserve.”

These women earlier in their life bought into the lie of feminism, that they don’t have to make choices or “settle.” The fall into this cult of “The People of the Lie,” in essence, they can “do it all, be it all, and have it all.” They chase their personal happiness, as opposed to living a mindful life. Never mind the devastating family, societal, or personal impact. You owe it to yourself to having a much harder life of being poor and alone.

Here is the big take away.
The reason why 41% of women over 45 are on antidepressants is because by the time a woman pulls the pin on multiple partners, she “hits the wall” (is no longer beautiful), and the money runs out. I.e. she can’t use a man for his resources like: free meals, earning less in marriage by picking up her feet, and life destroying settlements. By the time “the music stops,” when the financial settlement and child support / alimony runs out. These women have to settle into the fact that they have squandered their life. They have literally lived their life like there is “no tomorrow.” Until the enviable reality sets in. That the next half of their life will be a life of poverty, high working hours for low wages, destitution, and social isolation.

This is precisely why people that fall into the happiness trap in their 20’s and 30’s, end up becoming chronically situationally depressed. Think of it this way. People that fall into the happiness trap always live a life of “me” and not “we.” They will end up taking happy pills for their rest of their lives dealing with the consequences of falling into the trap.



Juan Galt

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