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The MRM is just another blue pill realm

The MRM is just another blue pill realm
Can one turn a blind eye to what the Men’s Rights Movement Gerard Nicol, Author MisandryToday

What is the Men’s Rights Movement really achieving?

Social Media has quarantined MRAs in their own bubble where they drink their own Kool-Aid and kid themselves that things are improving for men.

blue pills

It’s all too easy to criticize feminists, despite their influence, they are incapable of competing in the contest of ideas, so they rely on shaming and slander; upholding the feminine stereotypes they claim to oppose.

I’m not sure about the rest of you, but my own red pill rage stems from spending a lifetime white knighting for women, then realizing that women don’t return the favor when men are under attack for being nothing other than the very thing women expect.

Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill Movie scratched an itch for me. I made my wife and kids watch it, and their disinterest did nothing but feedback into my feelings of anger.

But the more I watched the Red Pill Movie, the more I realized that it is propaganda motivated by Jaye’s falling out with her feminist backers.

I’ve not seen any of Jaye’s other movies (who among us has), but I’m guessing they are much the same; one-sided tales that make her look like the world’s most empathetic person, with everybody else appearing as mere extras.

The full video of her interview with Harry Crouch, starts with her asking Harry about how a man can be raped, and him asking her to define rape; Jaye had no clue. She literally went to interview someone about rape without even having a definition of rape.

Had Jaye produced the movie she set out to make in the first place, Paul Elam would have torn her to shreds, but to what end?

You see, nobody humiliates feminists like Paul, but that’s about all Paul has to offer; a perfect takedown of someone who is so entitled and protected that they turn up to make a movie about “Rape Culture” without even understanding what rape is.

Paul’s analysis of a group of four female psychologists is a masterpiece of sarcasm, but all it does is make four complete idiots look stupid, and while that might scratch the same itch that Jaye’s documentary scratched, one has to also ask what it achieves.

Can one really call themselves red pilled and turn a blind eye to what the Men’s Rights Movement really is? It’s just another blue pilled realm.

Any rational analysis of the MRM would show that it is currently based around Paul and his symbiotic relationship with a group of female wannabe YouTubers.

With one or two notable exceptions, these female YouTubers repeat what we already know, and what we want to hear, and any criticism of them will be met with slander and attacks from Paul, his cronies, white knights, and the YouTubers themselves.

Paul is a 6’5” beta male, who seeks to grow an army of angry beta males by relying on the very women he would crucify if not for the fact that they are selling his Kool-Aid in some absurd attempt to get his approval.

But who are these people? None of them, including Paul seems to have a real job, or any notable job history, and despite their claims to be concerned about men, they actually seem to be more concerned about YouTube demonetizing and deplatforming them; and we are meant to care even though a man saying exactly what they say wouldn’t have a platform to start with.

No doubt, I’m going to cop a lot of flack for writing this article, but it’s not as if these people haven’t already spread lies about me in the past, and in doing so, shown me that those who don’t seem to care when a man is falsely accused, still haven’t learned their lessons from whatever sent them to the MRM in the first place.

When I joined the National Coalition for Men, they sent me their welcome pack with 20-year-old newsletters that could have been written yesterday; nothing has changed, and it’s easy to see why.

The MRM, like feminism, is obsessed with looking for every single way that men can claim they are more oppressed than women, and while it might appeal to the angry, Paul and his YouTube entourage dog-whistling about trans women and Muslims overlooks the fact that both groups are men; men that both sides of politics like to use as a football.

If non-Muslim men feel that feminists hold them to a higher standard than Muslim men, then that isn’t the fault of Muslim men, and if a trans woman takes a track scholarship away from a CIS woman, that’s the opposite of a men’s rights issue.

Half the MRM believes feminism is a Zionist conspiracy, and the other half believe it’s the Muslims. Are the Jews and the Muslims working together on this?

Do men face real gender equality issues? Sure, but from what I’m seeing the fanboys of the MRM are too busy jerking off to videos of women telling them what they want to hear to consider how things could be improved.

The inevitable response to this article will be that we need women educating the blue pill population about how shit it is to be male, but where is the evidence that these women are changing minds?

Do people honestly believe that someone watching Ava Brighton’s video about women being crazy is going to see anything other than an MRM version of Greta Thunberg losing her shit over the world ending?

It’s not as if Ava even bothers hiding it, she is motivated by the fact that feminists dismissed her when she tried to report the abuse of a girl by her mother; sure that’s gotta suck for Ava, but is anybody surprised except Ava?

Ava is clearly an intelligent woman, but if it wasn’t for the fact that she’s repeating the MRM talking points, Elam would be pointing her out as the kind of woman men need to avoid, and deep down we all know that.

The harsh reality for the MRM is that Paul Elam is a bully who can’t take criticism.

Last week he publicly slandered Bettina Arndt, giving her no right of reply, before deleting his article in the expectation that everybody will just pretend that it never happened.

The fact that Arndt didn’t respond to Paul’s allegations that she is a bully, don’t reflect well for her either.

One could give Paul the benefit of the doubt if not for the fact that he has done it before. To this day, AVFM (Paul’s for-profit LLC) has an article presenting Peter Nolan as a man in a straight-jacket.

Anybody who has corresponded with Peter can see that the man is suffering from mental health issues, and as a man, I find this representation of Peter both abhorrent and concerning; the fact that Paul doesn’t just goes to show the kind of man Paul is.

The kind of man who happily throws men under the bus to promote his own celebrity. The kind of man who can’t take criticism, and is all too happy to slander those who dare point out to others that he does more harm than good.

Yes, one could say that I am slandering Paul, and that would be a fair criticism, but I won’t be deleting this post as he did when he attacked Ardnt, and the offer is always there for Paul to confront me on what I’ve said, but he won’t and nobody will expect him to, and therein lies the problem.

99% of the MRM has just transitioned from one blue pilled state to the next; they now live in the blue pilled realm of the MRM, where their days are occupied reposting recycled clickbait from 5 years ago, like it was written yesterday, in the expectation that somehow it will magically change them from losers to winners.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but listening to people tell you what you want to hear doesn’t make you any different from the average angry feminist.

Happy International Men’s Day! I hope you enjoy it by giving yourself the day off from your own victimhood.

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