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MRAs Win Big In Federal Court

The federal judge ruled that not requiring women to register is unconstitutional.DDJ, MisandryaToday.

The federal judge ruled that not requiring women to register is unconstitutional.


In the US the men’s movement has been a massive failure.  This is because of the gargantuan government funded feminist movement. The reality is that feminist rules the western world.

In the US men are required to register for the draft through the selective service upon the age of 18 to 25.

The federal judge ruled that not requiring women to register is unconstitutional. 

The Federal Law Military Selective Service Act 50 USC subsection 3802 subsection a violates the due process clause of the 5th amendment.  Women are allowed in combat so this decision is long overdue.  Currently men still face prison, denial of jobs, and federal loans for not registering for the draft. Women should now face the same reprocessing as men for not registering.  

This is a huge step in the right direction. 

In order to combat this hypocritical feminist society, men need to start filing court challenges to these discriminatory laws against men. Now that we have a conservative supreme court, Ginsberg is winding down, and if Trump wins re-election.  We could be looking at a very conservative supreme court for some time to come. Men could use this to unwind and hold accountable these bigoted feminist who use these discriminatory laws that exploit male disposability. 


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