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Hey YouTube Creator Insider, Let’s Discuss This Hot Topic!

We need a US social media bill of rights.DDJ, MisandryaToday.

We need a US social media bill of rights.


This channel seems to be a master class on what not to say.  This is because they say things that are not accurate or they conceal knew or should have known. The issue here is that YouTube has had some negative interactions with MisandryToday. If you look at YouTube’s mission, they state they believe that it is essential that people have freedom of expression, freedom of information, freedom of opportunity, and freedom to belong.

The issue here is that YouTube is using the SLPC to police videos as a trusted flagger to demonetized and censored. 

I had to create a playlist of all of these videos because YouTube was removing them from search and listings of videos.

The other issue is that YouTube says they do not run ads on videos in fear of offending advertisers. However, this video was demonetized the moment it was published and ads were being shown on it. Meaning, YouTube is being deceitful and lying to users and advertisers.

DDJ dives into countless videos, their topics, and proved prejudicial demonetarizing on upload.  The another issue is that YouTube is receiving ad dollars for these videos and not paying their demonetized content creators and it look like fraud.

YouTube’s violates their own mission statements that the people should determine what is popular, not gatekeepers. On time of that Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai said under oath that was not happening.

Prager U is suing them for this explicitly censoring their videos.

Interestedly there have been some bills to make bias social media exempt for litigation

We need a US social media bill of rights.

YouTube partners with the SPLC an organization that fund domestic terrorist groups like ANTIFA. My question for YouTube, will they publicly denounce the SPLC and the terror groups they support? Will you publicly denounce groups that commit civil rights discrimination?

What THE &$!#%!!! ?Profanity in YOUR YouTube videos and how it affects the MONETIZATION icon ?

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