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Tom Pnoid & DDJ Talk About Things

bla bal blaDDJ, MisandryaToday.

bla bla bal

stunned woman

DDJ has a conversation with Tom Pnoid

We allow women to say that they are most import people in the family.

If you cut welfare women would stick. The reality is that the government owns your family. Don’t marry your or have children because that woman owns you when that happens.

Social Security is being looted by child support and the family courts.  The sad reality is that 40% of all Social Security goes to single moms.

RINO’s love big socialism government, they hate the Left’s big government because they want the right to have big government.

We already have Universal Basic Income, its called welfare and only women get it and you can live a $70,000 a year lifestyle with child support.

Welfare state does not pass the straight face test.  The roads and Infrastructure is dog shit because all the money is going to single moms or corporate welfare.

80% of black families are born out of wedlock, that all boils down to welfare and child support.  All you have to do is boot your man out of your house.

What Is The Child Support Hustle
So if you have a $10 an hour job in the bottom half. You can’t get section 8 or welfare as a man, and the government takes taking 60% of that in child support as an 18 year old. How are you going to survive on $4 an hour.  Crime and drugs that is how.

Black men get shot in the back by police because he is on child support, he got on back support, then he entered into a life of crime to pay it to avoid prison. That is how he got shot in the back by the cops because of feminism and gynocentrism. This is not a conspiracy year theory, it is just bad policy.

Why do these SJW states have the highest crime, the highest inequality, the highest taxes, and the highest homelessness.

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