These are the best articles and videos to get you started on your journey to seeing the world as it is.
So you are new to MisandryToday. What and who are we? What are we about? What is MIGTOW Men Going Their Own Way. Why is society unraveling. Why are birth rates crashing, why is there a prison industrial complex. Why are 80% of children born outside of wedlock, why do you only have a 6% chance of not being divorced, what is the source for almost all suicides, what is the source for almost all vet and police suicides, what is the source for 80% of homelessness, what is the source for almost all school and mass shooters, what is the source for failing schools, what causes poverty and ghettos. This this is a journey of enlightenment where the ultimate revelation of male disposability and female exploitation.
Check Back From Time To Time, We Update The List.
N0-MAAM Backup
The Masculine Principle
Principles of Seduction
The Misandry Bubble
The Female Parasitical Reproductive Strategy
The Origin of Red Flag Laws
Avoiding Marriage Is Not Enough
Duluth, Feminist Brainwashing & The Ideological Subversion of Society
Her Story: Elizabeth Warren – A Case Study In Integrity
2017 LiveStream with Tommy Sotomayor, TFM & CAT
Lewis vs Google
Lewis v Google Writ to US Supreme Court Accepted To Cert Pool
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