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Ethics (Pt. 1/3) – Compartmentalization & Cognitive Dissonance

This is a huge red flag that the betrayal was premeditated.DDJ, MisandryaToday.

This is a huge red flag that the betrayal was premeditated.

woman holding phone

Have you ever been betrayed and that betrayer refuse to accept their accountability?  Then to have them change the narrative by deflecting by accusations and mud-slinging.  This is a huge red flag that the betrayal was premeditated.

Next, they will portray you as an unstable and angry. This is the standard operating procedure to virtue single to get men to white night for them.

The problem here for the husband is the gynocentric blind spot.  He has it because he trusted her and that is why he is specifically he is the last to know that she is cheating. The reality is that every man need to be vigilant and double check your work to verify she is faithful and committed.

The template for all of this scenario is that the wife cheats on her husband. She compartmentalizes her cheating. This creates a basket case of a person who becomes mentally unstable.  

Compartmentalization is a coping strategy that leads to acting out eventually. It allowed separate ethical values to coexist in one’s self.  It gives cognitive distancing where the facts contradict previously held ideas. We either disbelieve, we double down (commit further to our beliefs), we avoid repeated exposure, we reject our feelings that are overwhelm us onto others (gas lighting), we absorb the information and change based on it, or we accept the information and hold both beliefs.

Cognitive dissonance is when you ignore the facts, get wheezy in your stomach, you rationalization what you are doing, the face the fear of missing out so you follow the heard, shame, followed by guilt.

The blue pill of the Matrix and Alice in Wonderland is accepting the compatible lie that society tells you. The red pill is accepting the hard truth regardless if the pain it brings. The reality is that blue pullers have too much cognitive dissonance because accepting the truth would hurt too much.  No feminist wants to believe that they have more privilege and rights than men. No one wants to think that persecuting privileged white men is national origin discrimination, or s pro-immigration advocate is facilitating a felony crime spree.  

The goal is the Russian proverbs of trust, but verify.  That keeps you grounded and out of cognitive distance.


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