Any victim of a crime perpetrated by an illegal alien, can sue any of these sacristy cities.
We have heard left wing calls for repetitions for injustices. In truth any reparations should be sought for victimize that were directly or indirectly by violating people civil rights.
We are referring to sanctuary cities, counties and states. As well as individuals and NGOs that fund and promote illegal immigration.
By refusing to hold these criminals accountable, this violates victims of their constitutional rights.
The reality is that any victim of a crime perpetrated by an illegal alien, can sue any of these organization or sacristy cities.
Wrongful death according to a Fine Law is when a person dies or is killed due to the negligent conduct of another. The surviving members of the family can sue. Someone found liable for a wrongful death may or may not be found guilty of that death.
For example, OJ Simpson was not convicted of murder but was later found liable for his ex-wife’s death in civil court because they he was found guilty by the preponderance of the evidence and not a reasonable doubt.
Note: There are statute of limitations that apply for lawsuits. Meaning the clock ticks on how much time you have to sue a person or organization. However, this can be extended if you discover new evidence.
This also includes outside damages, to deter or punish individuals to not commit this crime again. In addition, since this is a constitutional 14th amendment violation of equal protection, you should sue in federal court to bypass you states laws or restrictions on putative damages.
How to determine pain and suffering:
The US Constituting guarantees that no state shall deprive an individual of life, liberty or property without due process of law. Nor deny any person the equal protections if the laws.
Federal Law 42 USC section 1983 provides that both an individual employee and a governing body can be held liable for damages when said employee violate your constitutional rights, while keeping with those he customs and practices of the employer.
You can make a claim for your actual financial losses, punitive damages to punish egregious wrong doing and to detour wrong doing in the future. And force an injunction on doing it to anyone in the future.
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