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Update to My NZ Video Being Put In Restricted Mode

This shooter’s ideology is right out of The Left and Google’s ideological dysfunction.DDJ, MisandryaToday.

This shooter’s ideology is right out of The Left and Google’s ideological dysfunction.


The video on the New Zealand shooting was not taken down by me, it was taken down by YouTube.  I have submitted an appeal, however the appeal process is an absolute joke. by limiting it to 500 characters.

This appeal does not violate US polices. This is newsworthy and I am a US Citizen and not a New Zealand Citizen. They pulled this video because they do not want anyone reading the manifesto. This is because the shooters ideology most closely resembles Democratic thinking rather than conservative thinking. 

The shooter parrots much of the green leap forward, the green new deal.  He is spoke out against capitalism and democracy.  He also idealizes Communist China. I and a joint chiefs of staff did express concerns that Google is an agent of the Chinese government.  What is really going on is YouTube does not want to have their ideological hypocrisy of this left wing ANTIFA style terrorist and their ideological roots of Leftism exposed.  

The idea that we should embrace socialism is complex misguided. Socialism generates poverty over decades and it always leads to authoritarian governments with millions dead in its wake.  

The US was not founded on socialism, it was founded on limited government. California is in crisis.  It is overrun by crumbling infrastructure, drugs, and waves of homeless drug addicts because it is dogshitistan.  California is a die hard socialist state.  Go to urban New York, Baltimore, Detroit, etc.  These are all democratic lock downs for 50 years. If socialism worked, why has the socialist utopian emerald city become a shining example?

All of these states that are socialist vote for open borders because the US has rejected socialism.  Consequently, they want to import voters by illegal immigration. The blue wave is literally illegal immigration.  

They also want to lower the voting age to 16, why because they are indoctrinated and it shows how desperate how The Left is.

The reality is that this shooter’s ideology is right out of The Left and Google’s ideological dysfunction.

All of these tech firms are funding these socialist and communists.

This is exactly why Google is being accused by the defense department as an agent of Communist China.

Until Americans stand up and sue these originations into the stone ages with tortuous interference with a business, this will keep going on.  

This is exactly why BitChute, Minds and Gab are exploding. Totalitarians don’t want free speech because they can’t compete in the open marketplace if ideas.

My question is why did this man wake up one day to become a white nationalist? 

There was nothing in his social media that shows he was a white nationalist. All of these white nationalist are proud to be it. The have FaceBook pages and on twitter scream it from the mountain. The reason you don’t see that is because this shooter is a die hard Leftist. 

On a final point. The reason this shooter decided to go on a killing spree is low birth rates and the colonization and extraction of the west by the rest. Low birth rates are not the fault of unfettered immigration policy. Low birth rates are a direct result of feminism.

If you want to raise the birth rates: treat woman as equals, end divorce rape culture, stop incentivizing single motherhood, mandate 50/50 parental custody and a pay your own way divorce.  

You must promote the family if you want birth rates to go up.  I am not talking about step dads and step moms where 90% of divorces are initiated by women. The mom who goes to the gym and decides to monkey branch to a “better man, and destroy the father of her children, her children and further grandchildren’s life outcomes.

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